Welcome to the brayford quay student portal

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Enquiries & Forms

Maintenance Enquiry
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For any urgent enquiries (e.g. Water Leaks, Hot Water issues or Electrical Faults), please get in touch with the Emergency Desk on +01522246460

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required

What type of Maintenance Issue is it?*

Select the box(s) that best represent the maintenance issue.

Contact Information

Please fill out these last few details so we can get in touch with you.

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Feedback Form
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Please fill out any feedback, comments or queries in the form below. For anything more specific or if you feel the form does not give you opportunity to talk to someone at reception, please get in touch using email, or the phone number at the top of the screen.

Feedback, Comments & Queries

Contact Information

Fill out the details if you would like one of our staff to get in touch with you. If you would prefer the feedback to be anonymous, leave the form area below empty.

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